Farsightedness (Hyperopia)

Farsightedness (hyperopia) is a vision condition in which distant objects are usually seen clearly, but close ones do not come into proper focus.

The majority of children are born hyperopic, but through the process of emmetropization – their eyes gradually become less farsighted often eliminating the need for glasses.

Emmetopization does not always occur or may not occur to the degree that will allow for good or comfortable vision without correction. Children and adults are at risk for hyperopia, especially those that have parents that are hyperopic as there is a genetic factor which increases the risk for farsightedness.

“It is estimated that over half the people who wear glasses are wearing them because of a focusing problem due to farsightedness or presbyopia” -AOA

Christopherson Eye Clinic Demonstrates how Hyperopia is Corrected

What Causes Farsightedness?

Farsightedness occurs if your eyeball is too short or the cornea has too little curvature, so light entering your eye is not focused correctly.

What are the Symptoms?

Common signs of farsightedness include difficulty in concentrating and maintaining a clear focus on near objects, eye strain, fatigue and/or headaches after close work, aching or burning eyes, irritability or nervousness after sustained concentration.

Will Vision Screenings Detect Farsightedness?

Common vision screenings, often done in schools, are generally ineffective in detecting farsightedness. A comprehensive optometric examination will include testing for farsightedness.

In mild cases of farsightedness, your eyes may be able to compensate without corrective lenses. In other cases, your optometrist can prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses to optically correct farsightedness by altering the way the light enters your eyes.

Source: Used with Permission from the American Optometric Association

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